klinische Evidenz – Kardiologie

Adaptations following an intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia training in coronary artery disease patients: a controlled study - PubMed
In CAD patients, an IHHT program is associated with improved exercise tolerance, healthier risks factors profile, and a better quality of life. Our study also suggests that IHHT is as effective as an 8-week standard rehabilitation program.
Keywords: cardiac rehab; cardiometabolic profile; coronary artery disease; exercise tolerance

Intermittent Hypoxia–Hyperoxia Conditioning Improves Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Older Comorbid Cardiac Outpatients Without Hematological Changes: A Randomized Controlled Trial | High Altitude Medicine & Biology
Abstract Aim: To compare a program based on intermittent hypoxia–hyperoxia training (IHHT) consisting of breathing hypoxic–hyperoxic gas mixtures while resting to a standard exercise-based rehabilitation program with respect to cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in older, comorbid cardiac outpatients.…
Keywords: cardiorespiratory fitness; comorbid cardiac patients

Intermittent systemic hypoxic-hyperoxic training for myocardial protection in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery: first results from a single-centre, randomised controlled trial - PubMed
The results of this first trial using IHHT for myocardial protection against perioperative ischaemic myocardial injury in patients undergoing CABG surgery are promising and further larger trials should be done with adequate power to detect clinical rather than surrogate marker benefits.
Keywords: cardiac rehab; cardiometabolic profile; coronaryartery disease; exercise tolerance

Hypoxic training: Clinical benefits on cardiometabolic risk factors - PubMed
In conclusion, hypoxic training may be used as an adjunct treatment to modify some cardiometabolic risk factors. Measurement of hypoxic load may be used to individualize and ascertain appropriate levels of hypoxic training.
Keywords: Body weight, Body composition, Blood pressure, Blood, glucose, Cholesterol